Senin, 05 Desember 2016

The Missing Face Cleanser (dan Hikmahnya)

A couple days ago i was searching for my face cleanser. It was usually placed on the sink. I couldn't find it anywhere. There was a little remaining inside. So, i thought mom had thrown and replaced it. Then, i just washed my face with the new one. 

The next day, when i squatted in the bathroom (you can guess it right away huh), i saw the old cleanser. It was under the sink and covered by the bucket. That was why i couldn't see it. I just remembered i shoved it unintentionally a couple days before. I put it back to the sink.

Somehow, it made me think that sometimes it is okay to be on the under or the bottom. Like that old cleanser. It's also inevitable. However, don't let it covered our positivity, genuinity, and purpose in life. Don't let the surrounding affects us because it is indeed hard to live outside the comfort zone. We don't know when it will come and pass by. Just live the way it is, don't complain too much, and be grateful. It could be one way to clense our heart.

Maybe, one day, Allah will see us and say "Well, let's put him back to the top. He doesn't belong here."